# Hello. ## We are Daring Futures We're a boutique consulting practice based in the UK. We excel at supporting leaders with the toughest managerial challenge: building and operating effective [ambidextrous organisations](https://hbr.org/2004/04/the-ambidextrous-organization). - [[Our Work|Our work]] describes the types of activities we get involved in. - The [[Problems We Solve|problems we solve]] page gives examples of the challenges we're invited to consult on and the value we deliver in resolving them. - For examples of the recipients of this value, read the [[Who We Do This For|who we do this for]] page. - If you'd like to explore our services, the [[What We Offer|what we offer]] page is an excellent place to go. - In the spirit of transparency, our policies are published on the [[Working With Us|working together]] page. - And finally, if you're interested in our thinking, head to the [[Thoughts|blog posts]]. %% # Local Resources - [Daring Practices (Confluence)](https://daringfutures.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DF/pages/2522185729/Daring+Practices) - [The Daring Playbook (Miro)](https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_khXE78c=/) - [The Hero's Journey (PDF)](x-devonthink-item://814F20E0-5DC8-43DA-9039-343CA38359CB) - [Service Delivery Management (Excel)](x-devonthink-item://BDC8F12E-8151-43BD-A25C-728E7307FC26) - A table showing the **Practices** and DF services (Consulting, Training, Coaching and SDM) - [Product Price List (Excel)](x-devonthink-item://09837DAE-878D-41E3-B361-32CFF9A88C7D) - Shows the service packages and their prices. - [Revenue Modelling Vn2 (Excel)](x-devonthink-item://8A696F9A-27B3-4514-BA71-7F883ED13C1B) - Shows booking slots (rolling quarterly) - [Services folder (DT)](x-devonthink-item://8D9D2166-10CB-4709-B3F1-93E28D5B6A4E) - Contains details of all of the packages. # Callouts that I can publish > [!note]- Note > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!abstract]- Abstract > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!info]- Info > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!todo]- Todo > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!tip]- Tip > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!success]- Success > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!question]- Question > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!warning]- Warning > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!failure]- Failure > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!danger]- Danger > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!bug]- Bug > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!example]- Example > Here's a callout - did it work? > [!quote]- Quote > Here's a callout - did it work? %%